We Help People Get Sober, Stay Sober And Know Freedom

We will show you how below

We are STARTING in…



You know you are dope, driven and committed but you haven’t quite figured out the inner peace and joy game yet...

Listen Up: Sobriety Isn’t About Abstaining or Giving Something Up—It’s About Reclaiming Something.

Sobriety isn’t simply about abstinence or deprivation—it’s about reclamation. It’s about taking back our time, energy, and focus and redirecting them toward what truly matters to us. Instead of seeing sobriety as losing something, view it as an opportunity to reclaim your life.

Sobriety means feeling peaceful, focused, free, and fully alive in the most authentic expression of yourself. It’s about reconnecting with your values and no longer allowing anything to have power over you—especially things that cause negative consequences.

To truly master sobriety, shift your mindset: it’s about reclaiming your focus, energy, self-trust, and freedom. This isn’t about sacrifice—it’s about stepping into your highest potential.

And it’s not just about mindset work, surface-level strategies, or white-knuckling your way through change.

It’s about tending to the whole person—being free once and for all in your mind, body, and spirit. Sobriety means looking at every aspect of your life—your sleep, nutrition, exercise, relationships, finances, environment, and even the media you consume—and creating peace, alignment, and harmony in all of it.

This isn’t about band-aid solutions or quick fixes. It’s about clearing out the deep-rooted trauma, pain, and stuck emotions that we were never taught to feel, process, and release. And this journey happens in a community setting where people truly have your back.

It’s about playing the game of life where you are held to a high level of accountability—so high that there’s nowhere left to run, hide, or avoid the truth. You’re called to rise up to your true potential and live a life that’s free, aligned, and full of purpose.

So… Are You Ready to Truly Experience Inner Peace, Joy & Freedom

and Live Up to the Potential You Know You’re Capable Of?

Join Jeremiah & Jakob on a 12-Week Journey to Reclaim Your Peace, Energy, Joy & Freedom

Next Program:

October 21, 2024

(we only offer this 2x a year)

I was searching for understanding of who I am, who I have been, who I want to become and who I know I could be. My life was chaotic. There were elements of addiction to substances that were not serving me. There was confusion around who I was being, the behaviors I had, the habits I had formed, my thoughts and feelings that were driving those tendencies and it had created a life that was chaotic, it had created a life that was not healthy and that was not serving me. My relationships were full of stories, judgments and beliefs that were rooted in a fundamental belief of lack and a belief that I was not good enough. Now I am living a life that is more aligned with who i want to become. I am dealing with and attending to the soil of my life, the trauma’s I have faced and guilt I have carried along the way and that is also something I did not do before. I am being more honest and more accountable to myself and others and living more aligned with my values. I have stopped using substance’s and alcohol as a means of coping with my life. I am not engaging with self sabotaging behavior. I am not practicing negative behaviors that do not serve me and I am not judging/ blaming/ shaming and creating stories about myself that are not true. I am on the journey to a life that is rooted in dharma, that is rooted in service and that is clean of toxicities that I have carried from the past. I have stopped abusing substances and alcohol. I have become a better father to my daughter, a better partner to my girlfriend, a better member of my family, a better friend to my friends and I have become a more attuned, more passionate / fulfilled and open person who is starting to serve others and himself with pure intentions.”

— JAKE B. 

“Before Metamorphosis I was going through constant spirals where I would pull myself out of and then fall right back into destructive and old behaviours. I was lacking self trust, my relationships were leaning more on attachments and wanting to control the outcome of them. I was not speaking my truth out of fear of people walking out of my life. The most challenging part of Metamorphosis was holding myself and being held at a high level of accountability and responsibility like never before. Now I am fully trusting in God to guide me into my Dharma and through life while surrendering and practicing detachment daily. I am no longer using substances as an escape, or trying to control life. I have self trust, peace of mind and lots of joy and no longer have anxieties, depression and fear based mentality. I’m in a much better head space, physically healthier and spiritually the most connected to spirit I’ve ever been. I’ve stayed sober and clear minded. I’ve had amazing job opportunities come up and feel magnetic to my prayers. I feel a deep level of trust that I didn’t feel before. My relationships have all gotten to a new level of closeness and vulnerability. I’m also able to set boundaries and communicate more efficiently.”


What You Can Experience with Metamorphosis:

Metamorphosis offers you the space and support to fully step into your most powerful, peaceful, and liberated self.

Jeremiah is a former U.S. Marine and Iraqi War Veteran who now works as a serial entrepreneur and transformational life coach impacting lives across the globe.

With over 15 years of leadership and coaching experience, he has had the privilege of working with a diverse clientele, including members of the UAE Royal Family, Elite Special Operations Military personnel, Forbes List Top 100 Billionaires, NFL players, high-performing CEOs, entrepreneurs, and individuals battling significant mental health challenges.

Jeremiah’s journey has been marked by both remarkable successes and profound challenges. He has built multi-million-dollar business ventures and endured the depths of financial bankruptcy.

After three decades of living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, complex PTSD and harrowing addictions, he successfully resolved his long standing physical and mental health issues, reclaiming his vitality, sobriety, and connection to his heart.

Because of Jeremiah’s extensive personal and global journey, education, and therapeutic training, he has gained remarkable insight into the intricacies of the human condition. This enables him to effectively support others in overcoming some of the most intense suffering and challenges imaginable.

Today, Jeremiah leads a community-based program, with his partner Jakob and mentor Judith, (world renowned pioneer in somatic therapy) to help people overcome trauma, addiction, burnout, procrastination, and distraction through a holistic approach rooted in ontological, somatic, and nervous system-based practices – effectively enabling people to experience more joy, peace and freedom.

In his free time, Jeremiah loves being at the beach and in nature, creating music playlists, learning the harmonica, hiking, studying the nature of being, traveling and finding new ways to optimize health and well-being

Jakob is a trauma informed, IFS-informed transformational coach with over a decade of experience in personal development. He’s studied and honed his skills in various modalities, from somatics to ontological coaching, near-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural therapy, internal family system, emotional freedom technique and more.

He is a retreat facilitator and a coach, working closely with some of the most renowned coaches in the personal development industry. He’s a published author who has spoken on dozens of podcasts and is being called into various online containers and masterminds as a guest speaker.

Jakob’s journey began through overcoming a chronic illness through spiritual practice at the age of 13. At 15, he dropped out of school and dedicated all of his time to personal development and study of the mind.

The hunger for deeper understanding of himself led to traveling all over the world, going from homelessness to leading retreats and mentoring multi 6-figure CEOs, multiple near death experiences, becoming a yogi in India and living in the Amazon jungle with the indigenous plant medicine keepers, where he moved into full time facilitation.

He built a retreat center in Guatemala and helped develop an eco community / retreat center in Mexico, founded a retreat company Vortex Retreats, and co-founded two online programs, and in the last two years, moved into full time online coaching.

He spent the last two years deepening his understanding of the nervous system and somatics including spending months producing an online somatic certification program with Judith Johnson (founder of PNE & a pioneer in somatics).

Today, Jakob’s focus is helping dozens of people move into the life of peace, freedom and joy through Metamorphosis online program.

His integrative approach is rooted in practical application of spirituality and somatics.



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Here's how it all works!

What You Get in This LIVE Group Coaching Experience

72 live Calls Plus Hot Seat Coaching with Jakob & Jeremiah

Engage in real time teaching sessions with Jeremiah and Jakob for personalized guidance, integration practices, feedback, support and deeply confronting realizations. Ask Questions in real time and receive Hot Seat Coaching to uncover the limitations or blocks that hold you back from living a powerful life.

Expert Guest Facilitators

We bring in guests who are elders and people with deep wisdom and experience in every area of their lives who will support you in experiencing profound sense of joy and freedom. To be inspired and supported through various people who have different stories and gifts

Weekly Accountability Written Exercises

The written exercises are designed to APPLY the learnings to a particular block, challenge or desire in your life. Each written exercise contains questions, challenges and actionable steps that we use with our members to break through some of their biggest blocks, limiting beliefs and behaviours that have held them ’stuck’.

Group Challenges and Embodiment Practices

This program is not just about learning – get ready to be ON YOUR TOES, taking action so you can integrate & embody your learnings. As you know in our world, they will be SIMPLE steps, though they will be edgy and massive teachers for you and your nervous system. You will find that you are able to level up massively, when doing these together in a community setting.



Collectively our participants experience 101% increase in overall life quality across 11 categories.

Sense of Purpose
+ 0 %
Nervous System Regulation
+ 0 %
Connection to Higher Power
+ 0 %
Living in Honor & Integrity
+ 0 %
Substance Use
- 0 %
Peace, Joy & Aliveness
+ 0 %
Relationship to Money
+ 0 %
Trust of Self
+ 0 %
Quality of Relationships
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
+ 0 %

In this part, we look at nature of the truth, and what’s truly happening in your life. You are only as sick as your secrets. What you can’t say owns you, and what you hide runs you. In a safe environment, we explore these truths, normalizing our experiences and recognizing our shared humanity.

We explore what it means to live with honor: What is honor? How does it feel in the body? What happens when we dishonor ourselves?

From there, we bring acceptance to the way life is. We stop fighting, understanding that what we resist persists. By accepting reality, we create space for peace. This acceptance opens up new possibilities for aligned action.

Building the foundation of your life on rock, not sand, involves equipping you with practices, tools, and support to create a strong internal and external base, allowing you to feel safe in your body and relaxed in your nervous system. You’ll access a new level of presence, feeling deeply grounded.

We use deep nervous system practices, to create internal safety and stability. When life’s storms hit, your foundation remains unshaken—you stay rooted, finding true transformation even in the fire.

As Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem at the same level of thinking that created it.” We guide you into connecting to a higher power, guiding you to go beyond the mind, which often causes suffering and meditation practices that help us see what drives dysfunction and support our journey.

We’ll help you refine your sleep, nutrition, and movement habits, transforming your relationship with health. We focus on creating environment that supports your growth and a strong community – connection is the opposite of addiction.

We begin by mapping out every significant traumatic event you’ve experienced from childhood to today, examining how each has impacted your emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

We explore every major loss you’ve encountered, recognizing that there are over 40 types of loss. We’ll identify how these losses have shaped you and uncover any that may have been overlooked or left unresolved.

We will also assess your physical health, looking at factors like substance use, medications, surgeries, or other influences on your overall well-being.

Then, we review all your relationships—past, present, and those with people who have passed away. We delve into areas with unresolved emotions, pain, judgments, resentment, blame, or feelings of wrongdoing. Our goal is to clear these energies and bring you to a place of peace with your relationships, as everything is interconnected, allowing you to move forward without carrying the weight of the past.

Here, we reflect on our findings to identify the aspects of our lives causing the most impact. This is like triaging in an emergency room: we assess which areas need the most attention to create the most significant transformation in the shortest amount of time.

This stage involves a deep processing of clearing—specifically focusing on cleansing all aspects of our past relationships. We will work on addressing what was revealed during our reflections, placing a major emphasis on getting to peace in all of our relationships.

This process includes getting coached around relationships, making amends with people in your life, and exploring all the hidden corners where resentment, judgment, blame, grief, or unresolved emotions may reside.

We assert that all problems in life stem from interpersonal relationship issues, a concept rooted in Adlerian psychology. Therefore, clearing up these issues is essential. We will be diligent, clear, and focused on getting all of these emotional blocks fully resolved, helping you move forward with a clean slate.

After we have tended to the soil of your life. We’ve removed toxins, debris, and weeds, making your life’s soil fertile and ready to grow healthy, abundant fruit. Now, there is space for new, great things to flourish.

In this stage, we focus on **creating from the heart**. This is about making an impact in the world through aligned actions, collaborating with others who are on the same wavelength, and bringing forth your soul’s greatest expressions. It’s about contributing to life, the planet, and the people around you, so you can truly feel that your life and gifts matter.

We support you in creating from this new space, helping you live with purpose and make the impact you know you are capable of achieving.

  • Throughout the entire process we will host 2 workshops per week, all in support and of the work and beyond it. In the workshops you’ll learn practical tools from various modalities such as cognitive behavioural therapy, somatics, nervous system regulation, parts work, family systems, tapping and more.
  • You will get to experience live somatic therapy sessions with pioneers in somatics and nervous system work and other guest speakers 
  • Weekly Q&A where you can be supported 1-1

Still on the fence?

Read a few reflections from our past participants:

Integrity | Honour | Connection to Higher Power

Join metamorphosis today.